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update? what's the update? something big? you're planning something? ??????


Lol you crack me up.
I implemented many fixes and new sprites :)

oh, i see 😅 glad you're still in the game:>

i so hope you will create  more!

(1 edit)

I'm glad you like it! I would like to create more, but have a hard time getting around to it. Your encouragement means a lot!

Deleted 275 days ago

Also why is the first battle instruction in Felix's path wrong? Or is it on purpose?

(1 edit)

I think I must have missed that. I will fix it.

** Or, I may have already fixed; just haven't uploaded the newest version
yet (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣ ہ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ✿)

(2 edits) (+1)

Also "Gnossiennes" - i have no words how much i love Erik Satie:DD. Thank you^^

(1 edit)

Good news: amazing game!!!

Bad news: i found a bug - if you dont go to Pocket and keep pressing enter, the game freezes dead.


I'm glad you like it!

What you're describing sounds like the actual game mechanic? You're meant to go to Pocket and interact with her in order to progress.

I accidentally pressed enter where i should go to Pocket and game froze - so i can't go to Pocket, can't move at all, can't use menu, nothing. I don't think it's a game mechanic. I'm so clumsy i always find bugs that noone would find:D

(1 edit) (+1)

Oooooo haha I see! Hmmm ... I'll have to try and recreate that bug to see how it happened in the first place. 

You may be triggering the whole event over again. I'll fix that!


I'm afraid I got stuck in this game and not sure if it's a glitch.

I chose hesitate as my second companion and am in the room with the 4 switches you have to flip. I flipped them in order but the game keeps telling me I did it wrong. I even tried different versions of the order. is there anything I can do to fix this? this game is super charming and I'd love to see what the full experience is like.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Wondering if you were able to figure out the code?
It is 3124; but the switches also have to be pressed as many times as the number itself. IE, number 1 (lower left gauge) must be pressed first once, number 2 (lower right) pressed twice ... etc. 




Another great video of Hiraeth 💜

Some spoilers!


I love Pocket! xD

You should definitely download the new version and try it out if you have time! 

Although ... your video gave me a ton of ideas for improvements ... so maybe we should just wait for version 1.2.1??? Lololol 

(1 edit) (+2)

Now that I've spent some time playing Hiraeth (I just completed with Pocket last night), I wanted to post. 

Hiraeth is dark, beautiful, surreal, and challenging.

It is abundantly clear that much time and care was put into the art, graphics, and environments; you'll also find clever, original use of the RPGMaker engine throughout.

If you're looking for a linear game that spoonfeeds you advice look elsewhere, but if you're up for a moderate challenge and wish to experience a journey through a subtly (though sometimes quite overtly) terrifying world with a spooky story you've found it!


Can't wait til you check out the other Companions! So glad you like it (◕ᴗ◕✿)



What a journey that was...

Beautiful final image. 

Thank you for making this, I hope many other players experience Hiraeth!


I did the pixel art! Thank you so much for playing, your comments were great to read. 


Great job! The sprites and map tiles are well done, they mesh with the story and other art perfectly. I was laughing today thinking, "I never thought I'd be so scared running from a little pixel cicada!"

Here's a short preview if anyone's interested!

Shocking, and interesting without a doubt


Can't wait to play it!


Hope you enjoy!
